Thursday, April 30, 2015

LiturgyCoordinator - JaneDanker

Hey everyone! The role of Liturgy Coordinator is a simple role and does not require much effort. The jobs that is required of you as the Liturgy Coordinator are:
 - Booking a venue for Mass (Newman College or St Mary's College)
 - Inviting Priest / different Priest to celebrate Mass
 - Preparing powerpoint slides for Mass
 - Appointing people to do the readings and prayer of the faithful
 - Liaising with the Music Coordinator
 - Facebook Event Page

Do not worry if you do not understand all of that as I will handover documents (hardcopy and digital copy) from previous years to ease you through these stuff. Like I said in the beginning, the role of the Liturgy Coordinator is a simple and easy task. Your role as a Liturgy Coordinator does not stop by just doing the things above but also your role in working together with your fellow committee members. Being part of the COSDU Committee requires you to be there for your teammates in supporting them and helping them whenever they need help.

I had an enjoyable time working together with my fellow committee members as I got to know them much better through all the time I spend with them and I know we will always help each other through thick and thin. Being part of the COSDU Committee, I was able to serve COSDU itself as well as giving my time to GOD. Remember that no matter what you do or what you decide, remember to offer it back up to GOD as he will always understand you and will never underestimate your LOVE for HIM.

Good Luck and All The Best! Pray on what role that will suit you best and know that you are serving the LORD and he will show you the way!

Jane Danker


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